List of Case Videos
Here is the full list of case videos posted on the site. Click the title or picture of each video to go to the relevant sections with topic notes and video comments.

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Reproductive Medicine
A pregnant woman comes with signs of pre-eclampsia and suggestion of abortion is given.
Covers: maternal-foetal conflict of interest, aspects of termination of pregnancy and HFEA 1998.
Covers: maternal-foetal conflict of interest, aspects of termination of pregnancy and HFEA 1998.
Consent & Confidentiality
An RTA patient has come into the hospital comatose. The Police comes in and asks for a blood alcohol sample.
Covers: best interest of the patient, autonomy in incompetent adults, duty of care to public and informed consent.
Covers: best interest of the patient, autonomy in incompetent adults, duty of care to public and informed consent.
Child Health
A 12 year old boy is brought to hospital with a suspicious injury.
Covers: rights and interest of children, protection orders, and child abuse.
Covers: rights and interest of children, protection orders, and child abuse.
Consent & Confidentiality
A police constable comes to the GP to request the data of a patient who is currently under investigation.
Covers: Data Protection Act, informed consent, breach of confidentiality and duty of care to patient.
Covers: Data Protection Act, informed consent, breach of confidentiality and duty of care to patient.
Consent & Confidentiality
John has just being told that he is HIV positive. He does not want his clinician to disclose this to his wife.
Covers: patient autonomy, confidential information, public interests.
Covers: patient autonomy, confidential information, public interests.
Consent & Confidentiality
John has just being told that he is HIV positive. He does not want his clinician to disclose this to his wife.
Covers: patient autonomy, confidential information, public interests.
Covers: patient autonomy, confidential information, public interests.
Public Health
A woman comes to the fertility clinic requesting IVF treatment, but there are many barriers.
Covers: resource allocation and Human Fertilisation Embryology Act 2008.
Covers: resource allocation and Human Fertilisation Embryology Act 2008.
End of Life
3 doctors discuss the issues surrounding brain-stem death organ donors.
Covers: proxy consent, Human Tissue Act 2004, best interests of patients who lack capacity.
Covers: proxy consent, Human Tissue Act 2004, best interests of patients who lack capacity.
Consent & Confidentiality
A junior doctor has sustained an NSI (needlestick injury) with an unconscious patient.
Covers: capacity, consent, best interests of the patient and NSI protocol.
Covers: capacity, consent, best interests of the patient and NSI protocol.
A drunk registrar leads a ward round and a junior doctor decides to inform the consultant. Covers: professionalism, GMC requirements in whistleblowing and communication in professional relationships.
Child Health
A 15 year old girl refuses chemotherapy disagreeing with her parent.
Covers: best interests, autonomy, capacity of young people and role of parents in decision making.
Covers: best interests, autonomy, capacity of young people and role of parents in decision making.
Reproductive Medicine
Jen and Jack are discussing the option of surrogacy with a clinician.
Covers: Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1998 and Surrogacy Act 1995.
Covers: Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1998 and Surrogacy Act 1995.
Reproductive Medicine
A 34 year old has had her eggs fertilized and frozen with her ex-husband's sperm. However since then he has refused consent.
Covers: HFEA 1998, embryo selection and artificial reproductive technologies.
Covers: HFEA 1998, embryo selection and artificial reproductive technologies.
A long time patient asks the GP whether he could endorse his exercise DVD that he has made.
Covers: conflict of interest, integrity of profession, and professional boundaries.
Covers: conflict of interest, integrity of profession, and professional boundaries.
Medical Research & Audit
A doctor wishes to start an investigation of how best to treat post-operative rashes and seeks advice on how best to proceed.
Covers: difference between research and audits, and how to initiate a research project
Covers: difference between research and audits, and how to initiate a research project
Consent & Confidentiality
A relative is called into the hospital after a Jehovah's witness has had an accident and has lost a lot of blood.
Covers: Jehovah's witness transfusion requirements, advance directives, proxy consent and capacity.
Covers: Jehovah's witness transfusion requirements, advance directives, proxy consent and capacity.
Child Health
A 14 year old girl is seeking contraception from her GP.
Covers: Gillick competence, rights and interests of children, and confidentiality in young people.
Covers: Gillick competence, rights and interests of children, and confidentiality in young people.