It is an annual student film competition run by The Nuffield Council on Bioethics, which is an independent body that examines and reports on ethical issues in biology and medicine. The aim is to get students to study and explore Bioethical topics relevant to biology and medicine. There are different age categories including the Undergraduate section which we entered, with winning films being screened during the Council's annual public lecture.
What did we submit?
We submitted one of the videos from our website entitled "organ donation" into the Undergraduate section of the BoxOffice Bioethics 2012 competition. The entries had to be between 3 and 5 minutes long and be based on a topic relevant to the field of BioEthics.
Comments and Conclusions:
Our entry was highly commended by the judges and we received very positive feedback: "We very much enjoyed watching your video and seeing the creative way you explored bioethical issues". We have updated our software and our intention is to continue making similar videos based on various ethical scenarios.
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